Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On this Tuesday

Back in the saddle! I'd like to say that I was bursting at my creative seams and seems and finally caved in and decided to write here once again. In reality, it's part of a larger plan. See, I spent the morning watching Loading Ready Run videos, (specifically phailhaus, Graham is dreamy . . .) and became inspired to create a VBlog. Video Blog. Video Web Log. Right.

So the point of this is that I need to set my ideas down somewhere, and where better than some backwards blog that nobody looks at. Ah, anonymity, you make my life so easy, and quiet. So I shall segue (pronounced seg-way . . . weird) into what happened today.

The short version: wasted morning watching LRR (or invested?), got up and headed off to Canadian Prose, found I was accepted in my new program, found the site writing world, and afterwards linguistics where I dicked around and then told jokes to the teacher after class.

In greater detail:
Canadian Prose was a bout Hope something something by David Richard Adams. Grr, now I have to look that up. "Hope in the Desperate Hour". I'm looking forward to reading it. I know I was supposed to read it before I went to class, but alot of things were supposed to happen that never finally did, like Y2K. So I'll be organized and ontime when society collapses because of some piddly computer error.

The class was pretty much about the book. It's fiction, mostly realist, though I'd be willing to argue that it has post-modern elements . . . but I'm obstreperous. Anyway I shouldn't talk too much about the book since I haven't read it, and I'm due for bed.

During class (when the teacher was telling us something important, like where we can pick up our marked essays) I found out that I have been unconditionally accepted in the English Cultural Studies program. YAY! ME! YAY ME! Who knows where this will take me, but I'm betting I'll enjoy the ride.

Other important notes? Not so much. I discovered a wealth of resources on the writing-world website, so I'll have something to latch onto when I finish my entirely uninspired SPEAQ quest. Sigh, and I was so looking forward to that course. Ah well, I might pass it anyway.

But I should be off to bed. I have much PSP tomorrow morning to contend with.

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