Thursday, April 16, 2009

Missed a wednesday

And so thurday will be a double header.

Not that I did anything particular last night, but I'll get to that.

My psycho-pedagogy course is winding up. I've managed to struggle my way through it without really reading the required material. In all honesty, I'm kind of ashamed of my performance as a student. Ah well, I'm going to have to pay for it now. I'm setting up my final study sessions for the upcoming END OF ALL TIME! Or end of session if you don't feel like being so terribly dramatic. Anyway, psycho-pedagogy. For the final exam, they allow you one page of notes, double sided, written however you want. For the mid-term it was single sided and I filled a double columned page with 6 point text with virtually everything that I could think might possibly show up on the test. And then . . . I barely used it in the test.

This time, I've learned! This time, I'm going to review the material multiple times, to make sure I have a firm understanding of the principles! This time . . . I'm probably going to use a magnifying glass because 4 point text is REALLY hard to read.

Then there was discussions after class, reflections on the upcoming Canadian Prose test, and I helped Janie work on her presentation. I've still got to do mine, though I've had a breakthrough in what I'm going to do. I'm staying with convincing people that they know less than they think they do. The salent point is that people don't use analytical/critical thinking. They just take other people's opinions and adopt them. Natural? Yes, but not particularly advantaging in the long run. This is an example of how as a society we have grown beyond the simple survivalistic life style and need work towards creating ways that a social equilibrium can be reached. 

In other news, I was reminded how rich Canada is. I think as Canadians we have a bit of an inferiority complex living next to the Vespugians (United Statesians). I was recently flipping through some world facts (comparing our national produce and whatnot to other countries; sort of a way of checking the national pissing contests) and it became quite evident that Canada is actually doing pretty well for itself. As a friend of mine (Shannon) recently remarked, "Of course we're rich, I'm working on becoming a career counciler. They don't have that in poor countries, people are happy to be able to just get food on the table." In a way, I have grown up surrounded by affluence, but been unaware of it. Huh. 

Did anything else happen worth noting? I'm terribly behind on my speaq quest, but an idea is starting to blossom. I don't want to talk about it now for fear of crushing the poor thing. I'm still addicted to flash games and really need to study this a bit more. I'm still more or less lost in linguistics and so have to read a couple chapters on it per day for the next week. Herm. Alright, let's get rolling.

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