Saturday, July 14, 2007


Man, writing on cue is hard.

This is like my fourth attempt at getting some words out, and this time I'm going with it no matter how bad it is. At the beginning I tried writing about the news, then about my day, and finally going all philosophical. "People are animals, and part of nature." But it was crap. I mean, not for lack of analogies. Or whatever. It felt pompous.

But there were some bits I liked. Stuff like:
You ever look at a flock of pigeons? They are following Darwin's commandment. Which can be paraphrased as, "Do what it takes to survive and thrive". Now go by a high school some time. I swear same damn thing. For a bunch of people who want to express their budding individuality, they blend in together pretty good. You've got your crowds of jocks, or nerds, or goths, or emos, or hippies, or whatever flavor of style you run into. They follow the same social rules and the beasts of the jungle. Jocks and lions both travel in prides (the most appropriate use of the word yet). Emos and zebras confuse their predators by blending in visually. From fifty paces I think the only way to tell how many of them there are is by measuring the density of their complaining. Then there's the popular girls who survive by being like sheep. Kinda being fluffy and following the nonexistent leader. Who would have thought that people would copy sheep to get themselves through life. I wanna shave one and knit a sweater. The wool would come prebleached!


Talk about taking an analogy and running with it. Whatever. People say you shouldn't run with scissors, but I think that was worse.

It's all good though. I'm just like everyone else. I have my moments of brilliance. That . . . wasn't one of them, granted. But the trick to looking smart is by providing contrast. If you look smart all the time, you just kinda fade into a kind of intelligent static. You need to look like a dolt to make your brilliance shine. That's why I act like an idiot. So people around me can more fully appreciate when I'm brilliant. I swear it.

All right, the dead horse of an idea that I'm beating is getting tired so I'll let him have a break for a bit.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Quite brilliant. And by "brilliant," I mean "true."