Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My study program

I've now started almost all my courses. I say almost for the obvious reason that they haven't all started, but for the less obvious reason that three of my courses have been bumped forward a week, so I'm still waiting to get two of them rolling. So far the courses that have managed to bump their way into first gear have been interesting. I've got a French course that will happily beat my brain into submission with the convoluted rules and exceptions that make up the normal workings of this language. I'm looking forward to it with a sort of masochistic glee, without any real hopes of passing it. I keep telling myself that I like the challenge, and one day I may just start to believe it. I've got English courses as well, which look to be fun, and are the major reason that I and blugeoning myself back into writing. I'm especially looking forwards to the grammar course, where the teacher keeps saying, "Ok, class, remember the first rule . . . Don't Panic." I'll have to ask him if he's read hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. The teacher himself seems to be quite the character, soft voiced, hyperactive, and with a tendancy to wander off in his jokes. In short, my sort of chap.

Of course, I'm still working to take this all in. It's a bit of a shock to think that I will one day hold down a respectable job, that will make respectable money, and (here's the one from bizzaro world) actually be respectable. This is an odd prospect, since I've always sort of gone out of my way to be a twit. I mean, given the choice between popularity and notoriety I will always take the latter. You get to be the central part of such entertaining stories later! Of course, this far from disqualifies me from teaching. In fact if I'm aiming to become an eccentric coot, I'll fit right in working at public schools. I'm shooting for secondary education, with all those tender spirits to crush . . . I mean young minds to shape. We shall see I suppose. 

Though I guess one of the reasons I want to get into teaching is that it seems like it can open so many opportunities to me later in life. I can teach English internationally, and get a chance to see the world and live in it. I can take some extra courses and get a bachelors in English studies, which would allow me to write, and the experience gained with teaching can only give me a plethora of rich anecedotes. Heck, I didn't even phase my teachers, so they much have dealt with people like me before. Either that or they had become so jaded that even my zany antics bounced off their thick teacher carapaces. That's a depressing thought.

Well, here we are up to date with the news on school. I suppose from here on in, I'll focus on writing whatever I think during the day, and so my writing can in some way serve as a journal and possibly be less dull that be rambling on about my school. For the moment though, this is what I've written and I'm sticking to it. I suppose that I have a major advantage when it comes to chosing content with this, since I'm not actually trying to attract readers. As I said to my brother Knoll yesterday, I don't actually expect anyone to schlog through my blog and consequently haven't actually told anyone that it exists. If anyone actually has the bad taste to read this, they has be mercilessly booed and hooted at. You've been warned!